591 Source Claims Melania Was “A Long Term Opiate User,” And Addiction Runs Throughout Trump Administration by Andrea Thompson 5 years ago5 years ago
594 Americans Criticize Melania’s “Be Best” Campaign After Her Husband Launches An Attack Against A Child by Andrea Thompson 6 years ago6 years ago
566 Donald Trump, Politics, Trump's Mental Health, Women, WorldBe Best, Greta Thunberg Outdid Trump, UNGATeen Activist Greta Thunberg Just Responded To Trump’s Attempt To Mock HerOWNED by a teenage girl. by Andrew Simpson 6 years ago6 years ago
592 Donald Trump, Funny, Social MediaBe Best, Melania Trump, Social Media UsersSocial Media Reacts To Melania’s Back To School “Be Best” Campaign: “Start With Your Crazy Husband”I'm certain there's a mirror at the White House. Take a look in one. by Andrea Thompson 6 years ago6 years ago
587 Donald Trump, News, PoliticsBe Best, Melania Trump, trump, Tuesday ThoughtsTrump Congratulates Melania For “Be Best” Campaign With Strangest Kiss Ever, Leaves Everyone PerplexedNow this is WEIRD! by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago
603 Donald Trump, News, Politics, VideoBe Best, Melania Trump, Tuesday ThoughtsMelania’s One Year Anniversary Of Anti-Bullying “Be Best” Campaign Gets Completely Ruined By Trump’s InsultsWhat a disaster!!! by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago
592 Donald Trump, News, PoliticsBe Best, melania, Saturday MotivationMelania Sends Baffling Message For National Drug Take Back Day, Completely Destroys Her Own CampaignWTF is going on here?! by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago
568 Donald Trump, News, Politics, VideoBe Best, Melania Trump, Thursday ThoughtsMelania Attacks Journalists At Her “Be Best” Anti-Bulling Event, Proves What A Hypocrite She IsShe isn't very good at this, is she? by Andrew Simpson 6 years ago6 years ago
588 Donald Trump, News, PoliticsBe Best, melania, Monday Motivation, trumpMelania’s “Be Best” Tour Gets Ruined By Question About Stormy Daniels, FLOTUS’ Reaction Is NutsWell, that was awkward! by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago
586 Donald Trump, News, Politics, VideoBe Best, Meghan McCain, Wednesday WisdomMeghan McCain Responds To Trump Dissing Her Father Before SOTU, Trump Will Immediately Regret EverythingHer father would be proud. by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago
590 Donald Trump, News, Politics, VideoBe Best, Cyberbullying, Wednesday WisdomMelania Stuns Audience As She Ruins Her Own Anti-Cyberbullying Campaign: “Sometimes You Need To Fight Back”Did Trump make her say this?! by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago
567 Donald Trump, News, PoliticsBe Best, Christmas, Monday MotivationMelania Decorates The White House For Christmas, Accidentally Makes Herself Look Like A FoolShe did NOT mean to do this! by Patricia Colli 6 years ago6 years ago