NBC Host Reveals In Exclusive Interview That Trump Aide Spoke To Bob Mueller, Told Him “there was a lot of corruption” In Administration
I'm not sure Katy knew she was getting this big of an interview today.
I'm not sure Katy knew she was getting this big of an interview today.
It's not like it's terribly hard to do, but it still has to hurt.
Steve Harvey is absolutely right about all of this.
This confession is all we needed to know about how Trump's mind works.
This says a lot about Donald Trump's administration.
This is not something Trump ever thought would see the light of day.
There's approximately a zero percent chance anyone anticipated this.
I don't know if this is the pinnacle of irony, but you can at least see the top from here.
We need an honest discussion of race relations in America. It's not going to happen on Fox.
I just wish we could see him say it to Trump's face.