Jared Kushner Humiliates Trump In Viral Footage, POTUS Has Never Looked Worse
The entire Trump family should be ashamed of Kushner after this.
The entire Trump family should be ashamed of Kushner after this.
Even after all this time, no one can forget the size of Trump's... crowd.
Trump is probably going to cancel his trip after seeing this.
Trump's own constituents love seeing him get smacked down by other countries.
The green-eyed monster is about to start tweeting.
Not even Fox News can understand the president anymore.
How can a man who uses Twitter approximately 27 hours per day not understand how the internet works?
Was he surprised that the words existed before he used them, or that someone else might put them in that order?
For a man who spends most of his time taunting liberals, he sure has a hard time taking it in return.
It's not like it's terribly hard to do, but it still has to hurt.