Of all the hilarious details of Donald Trump’s ill-advised, poorly-received, and taxpayer-robbing family vacation to the United Kingdom, none stand out quite so much as how genuinely awkward the Trumps looked in almost every outfit they wore during the whole adventure. Memes flew fast and furious, from Ivanka’s “maxi pad on her head” little white hat to Don Jr’s stilted, bizarre posing alone in the center of Buckingham Palace — but none quite so much as the President’s own white tie and tails tuxedo, fashioned apparently to look like the opera singer in that one Bugs Bunny cartoon:

But as much as Trump must have been conflicted between trying to claim he looked good in it and trying to blame someone for making him look bad, it seems as though the White House tailor wanted to get out in front of the fiasco before Donald had his way with it:
I don’t care if he is president. Someone is responsible — somebody helped him get dressed like that.”
That’s Ismet Dil, the master tailor at Scogna Formal Wear, who have been providing dinner jackets and tails to American leaders for more than 100 years. Dil was adamant that neither he nor his fashion house had anything to do with Trump’s appearance in that suit. And Patrick Murphy, the head cutter at the foremost outfitter on Savile Row, gave the Daily Mail his own thoughts on the suit:
It is wrong in every way. The sleeves are covering his hands, they should be a good inch shorter. It looks like he has borrowed three different parts from three different suits. The trousers look completely random and they are too wide and too long. Everything you can imagine is wrong.”
Yes, including the moron inside the suit.
Trump himself was clearly pleased with his appearance at the time, and even managed to deliver a toast (obviously written by someone else) that sounded like standard English, without using the words “huge” or “tremendous” even once, although to be honest that could be because he didn’t want to give anyone ideas for adjectives with which to describe his barrel chest and gut — in what appeared to be the jacket of a random 180-pound castle staffer.
Rest assured, however, that Trump will find a way to make it look like he did the whole thing on purpose, or insist that it’s a new style and others are stupid for not following suit (no pun intended).
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