Trump Viciously Attacks Press During Florida Rally, Turns Crowd Against Them

Well that didn't take long.

566 points

Donald Trump hasn’t been on stage at his Orlando, Florida campaign kickoff rally for a full fifteen minutes, and the man is already attacking the “fake news” media with both barrels.

Trump kicked off his speech by bragging about the turnout to the rally stating, “Yea, we’ve had such luck in Orlando. We love being in Orlando.”

He quickly moved to boast about the size of the arena that is now filled with red hat MAGA’s, all sucking up the Kool-Aide as if they’ve spent the last six months in the Sahara.


“For a Tuesday night, I said, ya know, if we had about three or four empty seats, the fake news will say ‘Headlines: he didn’t fill up the arena,” as he pointed up towards a section of the crowd.

The crowd of brainwashed Trumpers quickly gave their obligatory boos, which only spurred Donald even further.

“So I said maybe we shouldn’t take a chance. Maybe we shouldn’t go to Orlando,” he carried on. “And I said no. I think we’ll go to Orlando,” he said with a shit-eating look.

“And not only did we fill it up, but we had 120 thousand requests,” as the crowd cheered on in the background.

“That means you folks have come out very, very good.”

After acknowledging the presence of his wife and VP, and claiming that Florida is his “second home,” Donald went back to that pesky “fake news media.”

“Ask them right there,” he said as he pointed to the press in the crowd when speaking out his 2016 campaign.

Of course, the crowd started in with their typical boos once again.

“By the way,” Trump said with his signature grin. “That is a lot of fake news back there. It’s a lot.”

Honestly, we’re not even surprised anymore.

Featured image via screen capture

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