Hours After Ted Cruz “Jokes” About Hillary Clinton In Jail Cell, He Responds To Bombing Threats; Americans Disgusted

What a SNAKE!

588 points

Members of the Republican Party are truly showing their true colors of being spineless and two-faced, willing to say anything to push their own agenda and make themselves look better. Just take a look at what Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) just did today, and you’ll understand why the GOP is going extinct.

Earlier today, it was reported that bombs were on their way to the homes and workplaces of Hillary Clinton (as well as former President Barack Obama, CNN, and others). Fortunately, these bomb attacks were intercepted and no one was hurt.

While Donald Trump responded to these incidents with just one disgusting, cowardly sentence, what Cruz did was almost just as bad. Cruz hopped on Twitter the first chance he got to denounce “incivility” in politics — even though he was just talking ill of Clinton earlier this week! Desperate to gain praise and approval, Cruz made a sad attempt at appearing human:


Violence is never OK. Reports of bombs being sent to the homes of Obama, Clinton, and Soros are deeply, deeply disturbing. America is better than this. Political disagreements are fine, even healthy, but we should always be civil and respect each other’s humanity.”

Of course, America saw right through this and hadn’t forgotten that less than 24 hours earlier, Cruz was at a campaign rally and talking about his Democratic opponent Beto O’Rourke and Clinton going to jail. Encouraging an attendee that yelled “lock her up,” Cruz’s words were:

Well, you know, there’s a double-occupancy cell with Hillary Clinton.”

Absolutely disgraceful. This truly proves that Republicans will go back on their own statements at a moment’s notice just so they can further their agenda. Cruz, Trump, and the entire Republican Party deserves the blue wave that is going to drown them next month.

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