Trump Causes Anger On Social Media From Germans And Americans After Threatening To Label Antifa As A Terrorist Group

Forget about the shootings regularly committed by white dudes, huh, Trump?

604 points

It seems that Donald Trump’s racist flame has just been fueled recently after he kicked off what we can only assume is his newest 2020 campaign strategy of proud and blatant racism with a series of tweets in which he told four Congresswomen of color to “go back where they came from” because they dared to question the way he’s running our country straight into the ground.

Things have been spiraling downhill since Donald’s first Twitter attack against the Congresswomen, resulting in additional attacks against the likes of Rep. Elijah Cummings and Rev. Al Sharpton. And now, as if he hasn’t done enough damage already, Trump has found himself yet another new victim — Antifa.

We’re all painfully aware of the fact the Donald Trump absolutely cannot tolerate being challenged in any way. And in case you weren’t aware, that’s pretty much exactly what the Antifa movement is in the business of — fighting fascism.


And since Donald Trump’s picture could easily fit into the dictionary right alongside the definition of “fascism” it’s unsurprising that he has a big beef with the group and wants nothing more than to dismantle them. And he seems to believe that he can do so by labeling the group as a terrorist organization.

“Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats, a major Organization of Terror (along with MS-13 & others). Would make it easier for police to do their job!” Trump’s tweet read, coming on the heels of Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy’s resolution to label Antifa as “domestic terrorists.”

But Donald’s racist, hateful call was met by a world of resistance — quite literally.

#IchBinAntifa, which translates to “I am Antifa,” began trending all over by both American and German users shortly after Donald hit the publish button.

Many Twitter users utilized the hashtag to point out both the history of fascism as well as the resistance to it during the Nazi Germany time period.

“#IchbinAntifa because my grandfather fought the fascists after they nearly wiped out our entire family,” Twitter user Krsto Lazarević wrote.

“#IchbinAntifa Because history teaches us just how fragile democracy and the rule of law are when giving right-wing extremists power,” another Twitter user posted, which was re-tweeted hundreds of times.

Even the German daily newspaper Neues Deutschland described their “outrage” at Trump’s consideration of labeling the group as a terrorist organization.

Translated, the tweet reads “Anyone who knows us knows that we appreciate the work of #Antifa and report on this regularly. That’s why we are outraged that Donald #Trump considering placing anti-fascist activists on a terrorist list.”

And of course, there were a plethora of comments in Trump’s replies:

If we want to talk about “terrorists” let’s talk about all of the lives lost at the hands of Trump-supporting white dudes, why don’t we?

Featured image via DC Tribune Gallery 

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