It’s long been speculated, since the moment he took office really, that Donald Trump has a pretty severe addiction to an array of different drugs. After all, based solely on his regular behavior — slurring words, excessive sweating in inappropriate settings, incessant typos in his Twitter rants, incoherent ramblings, forgetting common words, and near-constant fidgeting just to name a few traits — something has got to be going on with him. Whether it’s a rapid onset case of something like dementia or it really is the regular drug use that he’s been accused of so many times, the fact of the matter is, healthy, sober people don’t act like that.
Recently it was revealed by one of Trump’s former employees on The Apprentice, Noel Casler, that Donald is what’s commonly referred to as a “speed freak” — a street name for an individual that habitually abuses amphetamines — Adderall being Donald’s chosen poison.
Casler spilled the beans on several other Trump family secrets through the course of his Twitter revelation, including details of Ivanka’s numerous plastic surgeries and Melania’s addiction to opioids in spite of her “Be Best” initiative.
But what was speculation based mainly off of one source’s claims may have now been proven after one sly Twitter user took to his account with a photograph of Trump complete with a drawer stuffed full of Sudafed in the background.
In 2016, Trump posted a photo of himself that gave away more than he intended. An open desk drawer revealed box after box of Sudafed, piled on top of one another.— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019
Even stranger, although the photo was taken in New York, the boxes include a type that is only sold in the United Kingdom, with a different box and distinctive ingredients not found in the U.S.
— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019
Sudafed is sometimes used for a high that includes increased alertness, but also has a side effect of pupil dilation.
— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019
Abuse of this drug was rare, but in order to limits its abuse, regulations were passed limiting the frequency in which an individual could purchase it, and requiring the individual show ID.
— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019
Beyond pupil dilation, more serious side effects include hallucinations and paranoid psychosis.
It is very concerning for the entire planet that someone with access to nuclear weapons is showing signs of abusing a drug that leads to paranoid psychosis.
— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019
In response to many who have wondered if the photo is real, it is still up on Trump’s Twitter timeline.
Other quirks noted:
• At last five photographs of himself.
• A photo of his ex-wife in a bikini from when she was 22 years old.
• Two fake Oscars.— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019
It’s already been confirmed that Donald takes a small slew of medications daily, including cholesterol and hair growth drugs. But folks, I don’t care how bad your sinuses are, there are only two reasons one human being would have that much Sudafed — you’re either getting high off the Sudafed itself, or you’re using the powerful antihistamine to manufacture methamphetamine… To get high on.
The original source of Trump’s Adderall abuse claim backed up the Twitter user:
You could have at least given me a mention for originally pointing this out and for the first hand anecdotes of his Sudafed addiction. Trump would have his kids stock up on it when traveling to the UK. Thx for spreading the word though! @realDonaldTrump
— NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) October 5, 2019
It’s becoming increasingly clear that Donald’s ever-worsening issues, while they may be a result of mental disease, are being seriously exacerbated by a bad drug problem.
Twitter users were quick to express their feelings on the matter:
Of all the boomer ways to get high artisanal imported over the counter decongestant has to be the most boomer.
— Ambassador Surf Boy 📦 (@EliotG1) October 5, 2019
How much Sudafed does one person need????
Is he making meth or using it instead of Adderall????— Danlbooner (@danlbooner) October 5, 2019
I’d bet the Sudafed is around for trying to clear sinuses after they’ve been abused.
— Blahphomet (@probableperson) October 5, 2019
Yep. I triple checked this photo and it’s authentic. Why does anyone need this much Sudafed. This is plain weird.
— Raging Canuck Granny🇨🇦 #1 Snowhag Resistor (@GaleScheelar) October 5, 2019
That explains his loud breathing at press briefings! You can hear it, and it is gross AF!
— Laurielizabeth (@Mommika) October 6, 2019
Does Sudafed work on Syphilis?
— VegasGeo #ImpeachTrump (@glrglr13) October 6, 2019
Makes senses. Sudafed side effects include include: fast/irregular/pounding heartbeat, mental/mood changes (such as anxiety, confusion, restlessness), and shaking (tremor).
— Marilyn Eustache (@MarilynEustache) October 5, 2019
How the hell many driver’s licenses does he have to obtain that much Sudafed?
— #NurseResistPersist (@RN_DNP_CRNP_MPH) October 7, 2019
We literally have nothing more than a low life drug abuser in our White House.
Featured image via DC Tribune Gallery
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