Trump Will Be Outraged After Former Canadian PM Just Called Him A “Motherf*cker”

Looks like there might be a consensus.

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A Saturday report from HuffPost Canada detailed a bit of commentary from former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell — she served just as Clinton was taking office in the United States — that followed an American report that noted Trump’s remarks about the displaced government workers who are worried about their futures due to his extended shutdown of the federal government.

In a quote-tweet of a Politico video clip of Trump’s Rose Garden address, Campbell was remarking on the President’s ridiculous comments about a “safety net” for furloughed federal workers:


Although Campbell’s tweet has since been deleted, this screen capture shows exactly what the Conservative former Canadian leader said from her official Twitter account (with a verified checkmark):

Campbell, of course, was partially referring to the comment from freshman Representative Rashida Tlaib, who called Trump by the same word during a private event at a bar. Tlaib has not withdrawn the comment, let alone apologized for it, and we can’t say we blame her. Her comment sparked the hashtags “ImpeachTheMotherfucker” and the slightly less offensive “ImpeachTheMF” on Twitter, garnering thousands and thousands of tweets using the tags.

We say partially referring to Rep. Tlaib because the fact is, PM Campbell was not wrong in her assessment: Saying that workers should just be happy with the wall and forget about the money that they, you know, live on is inhumane and frankly cold. I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to call him the same (and admittedly regularly do on my own time).

It’s not the first time Campbell has criticized the American President. In the waning days of the 2016 presidential campaign, Campbell called Trump a “self-celebrating sexual predator,” referring to the now-infamous Access Hollywood tape on which Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women at whim.

No word on why she deleted the tweet, but we’re glad we didn’t miss it before it was gone.

Featured image via screen capture

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