Senior Pentagon Official Who Openly Disagreed With Trump’s “Space Force” Resigns

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, who disagreed with 'Space Force,' leaving.

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Air Force Secretary, Heather Wilson, is jumping off the burning Trump train before it reaches the cliff. There are a few reasons being suggested as the reason for her departure, but one may involve the ridiculous ‘Space Force’ for the Orange Darth Vader. She departed with unpointed words:

It has been a privilege to serve alongside our Airmen over the past two years and I am proud of the progress that we have made in restoring our nation’s defenses…We have improved the readiness of the force; we have cut years out of acquisition schedules and gotten better prices through competition; we have repealed hundreds of superfluous regulations; and we have strengthened our ability to deter and dominate in space.”

Predictable words from a public servant not seeking a dramatic exit. Accomplishments were mentioned, however, any comment on a futuristic, unnecessary Space Force was absent. A while back, Heather Wilson raised concerns about the redirection of man power and funds to a vaguely defined, new branch of the US Military:

It is not fair for this nation to ask our commanders to keep saying ‘We got this’ right up to the point of failure, because we don’t got this.”

More specifically, Heather Wilson refused to accept the notion that the Air Force branch was prepared for such an abrupt disruption brought about by the President’s ego. Despite a record defense budget passing last year, it’s clear that it shouldn’t afford Trump the green light to propose objectively asinine proposals.


High-level Administration and bureaucratic departures have become the disappointing norm under the Trump Presidency and much of this is due to vacillating, irrational rhetoric being disseminated from the Oval Office and West Wing. And this turnover portrays the United States as being in a state of perpetual instability.

However, international despots like Putin adore Trump’s managerial ineptitude as it allows them to expand their geopolitical grip as America’s leadership falters.

Featured Image via DC Tribune Gallery

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