Sarah Sanders Posts Unprofessional Tweet Attacking Members Of The Press And Ordinary American Citizens

Hey Sarah Sanders, your immaturity is showing.

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Ever since Attorney General Bill Barr released his partisan summary of the Muller report, Republicans everywhere have been jumping the gun to do a premature party dance, claiming that Trump has been completely exonerated and beginning their full-fledged attacks on anyone who has dared to claim otherwise — regardless of the fact that both the report and the summary literally said that Trump could not be exonerated.

Trump and his administration are already calling for the termination and punishment of everyone from reporters and TV networks to Mueller himself. But it seems that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has taken the most immature route of boasting yet.

Last night, Sanders sent out a tweet comparing the conclusion of the Mueller report, that no one aside from Bill Barr and Mueller himself has ever seen, to March Madness — attaching a photo of a mock bracket complete with the photo and name of the most prominent people to condemn Donald Trump.


She captioned the photo, “Mueller Madness! Which of the angry and hysterical @realDonaldTrump haters got it most embarrassingly wrong? #YouDecide” She even broke down Trump’s critics into sections labeled “Cable,” “Network,” “Print,” and “Twitterati.”

While we expected untimely bragging from the part with the big mouths, Sanders’ blatant immaturity and low form of sarcasm were a bit pettier than we anticipated, even from her.

But nevertheless, the “Twitterati” and all their minions decided, if you can’t beat them, join them. And boy did they give old Sarah a taste of her own medicine in the scorn department:

Long story short, absolutely no one was here for her nonsense. There’s an entire country going to hell under the administration of her boss — yet she’s going to spend her time making tasteless jokes, and photoshopping a bracket that most likely took her all day when chances are it’s ALL going to come back to bite her in the ass soon.

Featured image via DC Tribune gallery 

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