Robert Mueller And Trump Jr. Spotted In The Same Room, This Will Send Chills Down Trump’s Spine

These are the last two people Donald Trump wants to see in the same place at the same time.

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From the pages of Politico Playbook this morning, a candid capture of two men that President Trump surely does not want to see in any room together:

Seated, reading what DC Tribune is absolutely positive is a recap of yesterday’s blockbuster revelation of Donald Trump Junior’s perjury in front of Congress, as well as a repudiation of all of the Trump administration’s denials of any knowledge of Russian interference in the 2016 election, is one Robert Mueller III, chief investigator and prosecutor for the Special Counsel probing that very thing.


Looking very important in what appears to be a camouflage hat and speaking in likely very hushed tones on his cell phone not 15 feet away from Mueller is the man the President will almost certainly be thinking of soon as “the son I never wanted,” Donald Trump, Junior.

The unlikely pair was captured in the same frame waiting at gate 35X at DCA Reagan National Airport.

A harbinger of things to come? Let’s just say it seems like a big day in Washington.

Featured image via screen capture

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