No matter where Donald Trump goes, whether it’s in or outside of the United States, one thing he can be sure of is that there will be some sort of protest waiting for him.
Trump loves to brag about the crowd sizes he brings in, but he never brings up the fact that all over the world, people have sent him messages that he is not welcome. The most recent protest against the president was sighted in Montana ahead of the president’s visit, and was done by Kevin Crawford and Curtis Roe, who sent Trump a message he was sure to see as he arrived in the state.
The pair ruined Trump’s day by mowing “FU45” on Roe’s land, right near where Air Force One would be landing so Trump wouldn’t be able to miss it. The lettering was 60 feet tall and 150 feet across!

Crawford said he took this approach instead of protesting at the Saturday rally because it would only encourage Trump’s deranged followers more. He said:
His wingnut base loves nothing more than to think they are pissing off a bunch of liberals who are protesting.”
Crawford explained the lettering was Roe’s idea, and that the pair had wanted to give Trump something to remember when he visited the state. Crawford said they got a few beers and just started mowing.
It’s just to express displeasure or disgust — or I could think of a lot of other adjectives. My approach was, we said what we had to say with a lawnmower.”
Crawford also noted his main objections to Trump:
He’s wasting taxpayer money, but he’s wasted so much money it’s hardly worth noting now.”
His treatment of women and minorities and his treatment of anybody who doesn’t agree with him. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House.”
Noting that Montana is a mostly Republican state, Roe said he hopes the message shows that “not everybody is a Trump sycophant.” He also said he has five more acres he could put to work if Vice President Mike Pence decides to visit.
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