Ivy League Psychologist Describes Trump’s Mental And Cognitive Decline: “We have someone who is grossly and dangerously ill”

This terrifying interview is an insight you can't afford to miss.

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Prominent Resistance activist and founder of the Democratic Coalition Scott Dworkin recently interviewed a noted Princeton psychologist named Dr. John Gartner regarding the fitness of Donald Trump to the presidency, and what he said was both eye-opening and rather disturbing.

Gartner is the founder of a movement called “Duty to Warn,” which is an association of mental health professionals who are and have been advocating for the removal of Trump from office under the terms of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

It’s not our aim to sort of create a new genre of politician diagnosis. This is really a black swan event, this is an emergency. This is a once in every 240-year event, where we have someone who is so grossly and dangerously ill that for the first time in history, we have mental health professionals banding together by the tens of thousands to warn the public that they are in danger, even taking to the streets as we did on October 14th, when we had our ‘Duty to Warn’ meetings.”

Gartner’s warnings come at a time when Trump’s already out-of-control behavior both on the international stage and even just on social media have reached a fever pitch: His daily tweets denying any wrongdoing in the ongoing Russia affair sound like a child with chocolate in the corners of his mouth denying he’s ever been near the cookie jar.


It’s only liable to get worse, too. Dr. Gartner describes Trump as “the psychiatric definition of a human monster,” incapable of learning from mistakes like a normal person might. The disastrous mix of narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy, and sadism found in a man like Trump mean that when they are caught, there is no option for them but to double down. Apologies are anathema to these people unless they are forced to make one.

Now that Trump has committed enough obstruction of justice right out in public to constitute impeachable offenses, we have passed the point of no return.

Listen to the interview between Scott and Dr. Gartner here on the Dworkin Report.

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