Former Trump Aide Gets Booed Into Oblivion During The View After He Says President “Is Fit To Serve”

Better than he deserves, if you ask me.

589 points

The biggest problem with Trump supporters isn’t that they’re Republicans or support Republican policies. It’s not that they’re gullible and believe the nonsense that Trump says day in and day out. It’s not even that their beliefs are informed by their politics, rather than the other way around.

No, the problem is that you can show a Trump supporter evidence — concrete evidence — of wrongdoing, or racism, or sexism, or even outright criminal activity by the President, and on the off chance that they actually believe any of it is true, it doesn’t seem to matter to them.

We should have known when they went ahead and voted for him after he was caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women.


Regardless, the latest example is Cliff Sims, whose new book we’ve written about a number of times here at DC Tribune. He’s a former aide to Trump, from the campaign through the inauguration and transition, and the book, Team of Vipers, has been a source of unending scandalous revelations — from finding out that Trump just gets up in the middle of policy meetings to go watch TV, to the news that Kellyanne Conway was the “leaker” that the White House was constantly on the hunt for in the early days of the Trump administration, to the disclosure of Trump’s secret obsession with news chyrons.

After everything that Sims wrote about, after every dirty secret he exposed from inside the Trump White House, you’d be tempted to say “Welcome to the Resistance, Cliff!”

Not after he appeared on ABC’s “The View” on Monday. Sims was asked by co-host Sunny Hostin, “What about Trump 2020? I’ve read your book, you talk about all the chaos, you talk about all the backstabbing, is he fit to serve?”

To the absolute amazement (and likely disgust) of the hosts — and definitely of the crowd — Sims answered in the affirmative:

I think he is fit to serve [Crowd jeers loudly]. No, listen, listen. I can disagree with some of the things he does, while having seen it first hand, I can say that he is not unfit, you know what I mean?”

They did not know what he meant. “He can’t make a deal,” Joy Behar protested. “That’s what he ran on, [and] he can’t even make a deal.” Sims responded,

He botched the wall thing, that’s fair, I think there’s no doubt about that.”

Uh, Cliff? He botched more than that. You wrote a book about it, remember?

Featured image via screen capture

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