Don Jr. Shared A Meme About Democratic Congresswomen And It Instantly Backfired

Honestly, we'd rather his hunting rifle backfired, but this will do for now.

572 points

If President Trump considers himself the king of Twitter for his sizable following and his ability to generate endless controversy even with a 280-character limit per message, sure his eldest son Don Junior fancies himself at least the social media prince — or at least the jester.

Junior loves to post memes, because he likes to be just one of the regular folks, you know? Normal, everyday Joes who run billion-dollar corporations and shoot giraffes and leave the mother of their five children after 13 years for a Fox News celebrity.

But sarcasm aside, the fact is, you can usually count on DJTJ to post things that backfire, and the meme he tried to post after his dad’s pathetic State of the Union address a few nights ago was no different:


First of all, gross. Way to reduce the American flag to the meaningless symbolism Republicans have been working on for 35 years — not an emblem of freedom and democracy, but lip service to mere patriotism, a thing you can find on display at Old Navy for $6.99 on a cute t-shirt for your toddler to wear on the Fourth of July.

But secondly, DJ, you should probably go ahead and make sure that whatever joke you’re making doesn’t literally apply to you and your family on the same day.

Yes, that’s a photo from the night of the SOTU — you can tell by the dress that Tiffany Trump is wearing.

So, just like any regular Joe who posts dumb stuff on the internet, Donny got dragged. Hard.

Maybe Don Junior should stick to… Wait, what’s his job again? Collecting the taxpayer money that his dad funnels to the Trump Organization by golfing at his own resorts so much? Well, whatever it is, DJ, just stick to that and leave the memes for the rest of us.

Featured image via screen capture

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