Bestselling Author Who’s Known Trump Since 1987 Says POTUS Has Always Been Mentally Ill

This will devastate Trump.

576 points

While Donald Trump’s complete lack of empathy and mental instability is pretty obvious to anyone who has any common sense, the testimonies from those who have known The Donald for any length of time are still terrifying.

Despite how badly Trump’s behavior seems to be declining, those who have had experience with Trump over the decades can vouch that the president has always been insane and a dangerous person. And when we look at the corruption that has followed Trump throughout all of his businesses and into his presidency, we are left with only a few conclusions: Trump is a “clinical sociopath” — and those who know him will back that up.

As Trump went off on one of his ridiculous Twitter tantrums yesterday, bestselling author and reporter Kurt Eichenwald also had a lot to say. Eichenwald has known Trump for over 30 years and was likely horrified by what he’s seen from the president lately — so he spilled the beans. In nearly two dozen tweets, Eichenwald told everyone about how Trump’s “mental illness” had helped him lie throughout his life.


Eichenwald recalled his interactions with Trump, dating back to 1987, and called Trump out for continuously lying to reporters anonymously to get positive media coverage. Read through these tweets to see just why Eichenwald says Trump is a “clinical sociopath” at the end.

Finally, this is a tweetstorm that we can get behind.

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