Trump’s Former NSA Advisor Praises John McCain, Throws Disrespectful POTUS Under The Bus

Donald Trump is NOT going to enjoy watching this footage.

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Donald Trump is going to explode when he sees a certain MSNBC interview given by his own former National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, as late Senator John McCain’s body was transported to a memorial service.

Railing against his former boss’ blatant disrespect of the American hero, McMaster made sure to praise the Republican senator for his contributions and service, referring to McCain as a “unifying force in our country” (something that Trump is most definitely NOT). McMaster told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell:

I think what Senator McCain has become and will remain in our memory and in his legacy, is a unifying force in our country. What the senator lamented in his last years was the polarization of American society and the opportunity that presents for Russians and others who are trying to undermine our democracy, undermine our confidence in who we are as a people and our values and our democratic processes and institutions.

What John McCain did across his whole life is brought people together, together in our common identity as Americans, our common values and individual rights and rule of law and freedom of speech and freedom of religion and tolerance.”

And McMaster kept the digs at Trump coming, stating that McCain was an “example” for others:


So we should learn from John McCain’s example now, because it’s really a critical time for our country.”

At a time when Trump wants the entire country to bow down to him as if he were a dictator, the last thing he wants to see is his former employees betraying him and praising a man he’s jealous of. And when McMaster was questioned about the president’s horrifically premature raising of the White House flag, the NSA advisor didn’t defend his boss. Mitchell asked:

I know this is difficult for you, I have to ask you how you felt about what many people felt was really disrespectful, the American legion, the veterans of foreign war, all pressing the president to lower the flag at the White House which remained flying at full staff on Monday for quite a while.”

McMaster carefully avoided the question completely, but also refused to defend Trump. He said:

Well, we all have an opportunity to transcend all of that and to make our personal choice to celebrate a tremendous life, a life of a real servant to the nation. What I hope also, I hope that Senator McCain’s example will draw more people to government service and service in the military in particular.”

There have already been reports that Trump is fuming over all the news coverage McCain has gotten. Now that his own ex-employees are giving McCain even more attention, Trump is sure to burst. You can watch the report below here:

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