Trump Takes To Twitter, Blasts World Leaders And G20 Hosts As He Touches Down In Japan

This is not how diplomacy works.

571 points

Before departing for this year’s G20 gathering, Donald Trump seemed determined to insult as many of the countries he would soon be meeting with as possible. It was almost reminiscent of that time (like a couple of weeks ago) when Trump called a member of the UK’s Royal Family “nasty” just before heading out to meet them — like he has no idea how diplomacy works or what other humans are actually like.

Whatever the reason, yesterday’s interview with Fox Business News in which he claimed that China was “going down the tubes,” that Vietnam was “the biggest abuser” of trade advantages, and that Germany was “delinquent” in its NATO contributions seems to have only been the beginning of his ongoing tirade against world leaders and anyone whose business practices are not the same as his.

OR, as it turns out, even some people with the same practices as his.


“Unacceptable” is an odd choice of words for a man who has used tariffs against multiple countries as almost a simple punitive measure for not doing exactly what he wants on trade. But then, Trump does not believe anyone else in the world besides the United States — and specifically him — has the right to make any demands whatsoever.

Perhaps most galling of all, Trump even tore into the actual host country, Japan, questioning their loyalty to their American allies:

If Japan is attacked, we will fight World War III. We will go in and protect them with our lives and with our treasure. But if we’re attacked, Japan doesn’t have to help us. They can watch it on a Sony television.”

Maybe we should take comfort in the fact that he didn’t insult the size of their hands, their terrible haircuts, or their too-long neckties.

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