Trump Ordered Ruth Bader Ginsburg To Resign, She Immediately Put Him In His Place

Trump has never fully recovered from this!

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Of all people that should not have any political power, almost everyone in the United States would say it’s Donald Trump — but according to the president, it’s anyone who stands up to him.

Trump refuses to see his own incompetence and that’s why he continues to trash others who are far more capable, intelligent, and experienced than himself – like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Let’s not forget the epic moment when Ginsburg totally ruined Trump’s dream that she might retire by announcing that she’d hired clerks through 2020, signaling that she’d be around to ruin things for Trump if he happened to win the 2020 election (shudder).

It was Trump’s worst nightmare, and the president knew she’d give him hell. Trump actually ordered her to resign after she criticized him for his 2016 campaign, stating that her “mind is shot.” Trump tweeted:


Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot – resign!”

While Ginsburg apologized, she has yet to stop criticizing Trump. In response to the president’s disgusting tweet, she had this to say about the president:

We’re not experiencing the best of times.”

Once again, Trump gets put in his place by a woman — which is something he absolutely can’t stand! Ginsburg might have planned to retire, but the president only has himself to thank for her decision to stay on past 2020. With his antics, it’s never been more clear that we need Justices like Ginsburg to save this country and keep the president in line.

Ginsburg has made it perfectly clear that Trump will have to deal with her for the rest of his presidency, which hopefully won’t be much longer. But in case he does win a second term, he will have to answer to the Notorious RBG!

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