Trump Jr. Gives Strange College Speech; What He Said Will Leave Everyone Speechless

Don Jr. knew exactly what he was doing with the Russians. This proves it.

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Donald Trump Jr. is in hot water and he knows it. His lies about meeting with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton in his 2016 Trump Tower meeting have been exposed and he and his father are more nervous than they’ve ever been.

President Donald Trump used his kids to help him win the election, and now Trump Jr. is going to pay for his involvement in his father’s campaign. Knowing what we know now about Trump Jr.’s actions during Trump’s 2016 campaign, some of his past behavior looks very shady. One such moment happened when Trump Jr. visited Michigan State University to give a speech on behalf of his then-candidate dad.

Not only was Trump Jr. greeted with mass protests at the school as students pushed against his father’s bigotry and divisive campaign platform, but Trump Jr. made some very surprising statements about the outcome of the election.


Some students tweeted about Trump Jr.’s event, documenting the protests as students chanted things like “Trump is terror!” and “Women’s rights are human rights!” — which was to be expected at any Trump-related gathering. You can watch that footage here:


But that’s not the shocking part. During his speech, Trump Jr. decided to tell attendees that his father was going to win, speaking with a creepy amount of certainty in a blue state:

They said from day one, ‘We want to see real change.’ That’s why I know we’re going to win.”

When Trump Jr. had said this, he’d already had his Trump Tower meeting with the Russians a few months prior — which adds more weight to those comments now that we know about the election meddling and corruption that took place. Trump Jr. knew exactly what he was doing when he said this.

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