Mueller Meeting With Roger Stone’s Aide In Court, Possibility Stone Will Be Indicted

When the pawns start falling, the more important pieces get exposed.

577 points

The Special Counsel team put together by Robert Mueller has proved to be one of the most successful investigative units ever assembled, if only in terms of how many indictments they have turned in during the course of their probe. But their success extends not just to those charged — they can also claim more than a handful of cooperating witnesses and even a few guilty pleas entered just on the strength of the evidence gathered against the co-conspirators in the ongoing saga of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

That’s why when we see them entering courtrooms, especially in Washington, D.C. where the majority of facets of the case are being heard, we pay close attention to who’s following closely behind.

On Wednesday, lawyers for Roger Stone associate Andrew Miller met with Mueller’s team, and that can’t mean anything good at all for former Trump adviser Stone. No reporters were allowed in the courtroom, of course, but we ascertained that the lawyers were indeed representing Miller after they confirmed as much to Talking Points Memo as they left the District Court.


Initially, Miller had attempted to avoid a subpoena by Mueller and his crew by claiming that the former FBI Director and intelligence specialist in charge of the Russia probe wasn’t a “constitutionally-appointed officer,” but Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell is extremely unlikely to have dismissed the subpoena on those grounds.

That leaves few alternative theories as to why Miller’s attorneys may have been meeting with the Special Counsel unless it is to become yet another cooperating witness for the all-star prosecution. Should that prove to be the case, it is the opinion of DC Tribune that it would invalidate the theory that Roger Stone is the unnamed conspirator in the most recent round of indictments issued by Mueller — if Mueller has Miller talking freely, he won’t be using him to nail down Roger Stone, which means that Mueller either does not plan to indict Stone at all or that he already has enough evidence against him to do so without anyone turning state’s evidence on him.

With Roger Stone knee-deep in the entire affair, the likelihood that he won’t be indicted at all — especially given the fact that he’s been predicting it himself — is almost zero.

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