New Report Reveals The Democratic Presidential Nominees Trump Has Donated To In The Past

Well, this is hilarious.

577 points

Contrary to what he wants us all to believe, Donald Trump hasn’t been a die-hard Republican his entire life. In fact, he hasn’t stuck to any political affiliation for very long. He first registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987 and has since changed his political part five times — that’s just a few more than the number of times he’s changed marriages.

It may actually surprise you to know that Donald has only been a Republican (this time around) since 2012. Before that, he was affiliated with the Independent and even a *gasp* Democrat.

To say the least, Trump generally just aligns himself with whoever and whatever he thinks will best serve him at the time, loyalty be damned.


What’s interesting though, is that during his political party flip-flop fest, the millionaire Donald Trump along with his family handed out some pretty hefty donations. And lucky enough for our sense of humor, some of those donations were made to the very people that are set to run against him in the impending 2020 election.

The richest of them all is definitely good ole “Sleepy Joe.” That’s right, Donald Trump made a $1,000 donation to his current nemesis in 2001 when Biden was running for his sixth term in the Deleware Senate.

But that’s not it. That’s not it at all. Trump also donated $5,000 to Kamala Harris in 2011 when she became California’s attorney general and donated another $1,000 to her reelection campaign in 2013. Trump’s daughter Ivanka also donated $2000 to Harris’ reelection campaign in 2014.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand also received over $4,800 from Trump and his family over the years for reelection efforts. Senator Cory Booker raked in $5200 from Ivanka and Jared in 2013 and another $10,000 from the couple in 2014 to the Booker Senate Victory joint fundraising committee.

Of course, the Trump administration has brushed this off as inconsequential whenever confronted about it, saying, “This question has been asked and answered by President Trump many times. As a businessman, it was par for the course to donate to elected officials in both parties.”

Trump addressed the issue himself in 2015 on the debate stage saying, “I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me. That’s a broken system.”

So basically, he’s confirming what we’ve already said — Trump goes with whoever can serve him best. Even if they’re a Democrat.

Featured image via DC Tribune Gallery 

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